Sarah-Maria Bürgin

4056  68220


Dernière participation aux ateliers ouverts



  • Photographie
  • Technique mixte



15 rue de L'Usine
4056  68220
tél : 07 64 35 45 59



Steff Trueb
About secrets & words
Zwei Serian, die während seines Aufenthaltes in Mexiko entstanden sind.
Eine grüne Serie (Draht gelötet, eingegossen in Plexiglas, 35×49.5cm), zeigt Schmerz und dessen Auflösung anhand eines Auges,
die transparente Serie (Draht gelötet, eingegossen in Plexiglas, 20.8×35.7cm), verkörpert eine mögliche Treppe oder Erhöhung des Seins.

Nicholas Winter
forget not, recollect.

Salon Hegenheim –
Grab a glass of wine at the Salon Bar,

have a smoke & have a look around the house –

you will discover photography from
Nicholas Winter & Sabrina Seyfried,

find a cosy seat, make yourself comfortable

and listen to live music from
Elektra Medusa (Sarah-Maria Bürgin)
Be togehter in a intimate ambiance or in the green wild garden.



Sarah-Maria Bürgin is an actress, director and the singer in the
Basel band, Scratches. Musically she also performs solo as
Elektra Medusa on the piano or her ‘organs’.
Since 2016 she initiated and runs Salon Hegenheim, a platform
for poetical reflection, in a small and intimate event location for
artists and pleasure seekers.
It is a place of rare stories, a vision of creative belonging, a
smoking room salon.
In this manner the salon opens it’s doors during Atelier Ouverts
with photographical work by Sabrina Seyfried & Nicholas Winter.
Alongside the visual work, in unplanned moments for the visitors in
the house or in the garden, when the mood is right, when each has
themself a glass to drink, Sarah-Maria will sit and play at her piano.
Nicholas Winter –
Something to take away with you
Photographer, born 1973 ist British.
Lives in Basel since 2002.
A small collection of images to reawaken and motivate the
reemergence of an intimate presence. To encourage an inner
desire, a reminder that life requires contact, sensuality, intimacy,
free for individual interpretation. It is a knock on the door of the
importance of touch.
Sabrina Seyfried –
Photographe franco-suisse née en 1982.
Une rencontre avec Stefan Trueb, des heures de discussions,
quelques verres de prosecco, une idée photographique,
l’excitation de concrétiser un projet ensemble.
Claude Bärtschi, l’homme de terrain, le cloueur de modèle,
le filmeur